Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Magi: Seeking Him

Carol of the Epiphany 

I sought Him dressed in finest clothes, where money talks and status grows,

But power and wealth He never chose: It seemed He lived in poverty.

I sought Him in the safest place, remote from crime or cheap disgrace,

But safety never knew His face:  It seemed He lived in jeopardy.

I sought Him where the footlights glare, where crowds collect and critics stare:

But no one knew His presence there: It seemed He lived in obscurity.

Then, in the streets, we heard the word that seemed for all the world, absurd,

That those who could no gifts afford were entertaining Christ the Lord.

And so, distinct from all we’d planned, among the poorest of the land,

We did what few might understand: We touched God in a baby’s hand.

-John Bell 


As with gladness men of old

Did the guiding star behold,

As with joy they hailed its light,

Leading onward, beaming bright,

So most gracious Lord, may we

Evermore be led to Thee.

The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration, No. 163


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