“I am Alpha and Omega,” says the Lord
Who is, and who was and who is coming,
the Almighty.
Revelation 1:8
Before laying out His message to the seven churches, Jesus made it clear who is speaking:
The first and last letter of the Greek alphabet, it means beginning and ending – first and last. Jesus is eternal – always was, always will be. Everything else in the vast universe came from His hand. He is the Creator God who spoke all things into existence.
In Hebrew – shadday (Almighty) or el shadday (God Almighty) – having complete power; omnipotent.
The Presence
that filled the chamber or cave where John was writing proclaimed Himself to be
the beginning and end of all things having all power. As the visions were reveals, they had to be
beyond confusing to this ancient man of God, yet Jesus gave John the assurance
that the One who was speaking would make all things plain. We have that same assurance today as we place our lives in His hands.
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