Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Revelation: Introducing...


I turned to see whose voice it was that was speaking to me

and when I turned, I saw someone like a Son of Man.

He was dressed in a long robe with a golden girdle around His breast;

His head and His hair were white as snow-white wool;

His eyes blazed like fire, and His feet shone like the finest bronze

glows in the furnace.  His voice had the sound of a great waterfall.

Revelation 1:12-16

Poor John!  When this magnificent Being appeared before him, he fainted dead away at His feet.  Jesus lifted him up, and said, “Do not be afraid!”  He then introduced Himself further:

I am the First and the Last

I am the Living One

I was dead, and behold, I am alive!

I hold the keys of death and hell 

This is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Hope of mankind.  He wants John (and us) to know exactly who is giving the messages to the Seven Churches.  This is the risen Savior who had walked and talked with John by the Sea of Galilee.  We do not need to be afraid.  Our Friend is still walking with us.

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