Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Watch Your Mouth!


It is of the highest importance, my brothers,

that your speech should be free from oaths

(whether they are “by” heaven or earth or anything else).

Your yes should be a plain yes, and your no a plain no,

and then you cannot go wrong in the matter.

James 5:12


If I were to embroider a sampler (which I will never do, because I have not a clue on such matters), this is the verse that I would create and hang on the wall.  The older I get, the more I realize that the less I say, the better – especially with my children.  

My brain puts one interpretation on my words, and my kids will often have a very different construct in mind when they are processing those words.  I have found that the simpler I speak – the closer to plain “yes” or “no” without being rude, the clearer and less fraught my communication will be. 

Concentrate on the one you are speaking to, do more listening than talking, and keep your speech concise and simple.

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