Monday, December 6, 2021

Mary: Home in Nazareth


This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about:

His mother Mary was pledged to be married to

Joseph, but before they came together, she was found

to be with child through the Holy Spirit.  Because

Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did

not want to expose her to public disgrace,

he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

Matthew 1:18-19 

In order to discover the next event in Mary's story, we have to leave the book of Luke and go to the first chapter of the book of Matthew.  Mary is pledged to Joseph; but before the ceremonies could take place (actually, exactly when she returned from Elizabeth's house), it is discovered that she is pregnant.  

I assume that Mary went home to her parents following her visit to Elizabeth.  Their shock at her condition would only deepen Mary’s qualms.  What if Joseph doesn’t believe her?  Will they stone her?  There is nothing overly dramatic about these questions. Her situation really was a life or death matter.  

Joseph, poor fellow, was absolutely blindsided.  One can only imagine the turmoil, hurt and embarrassment that must have weighed on his mind, especially if he really cared for Mary.  The Bible tells us that he was a good man - a righteous man who did not want to make Mary's situation a public spectacle, leading me to believe that he genuinely cared for his young bride-to-be, and wanted to handle this awkward situation as quietly and discreetly as possible. 

 The God of the universe, however, had other ideas...


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel   The Piano Guys

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