Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Innkeeper


While they were there, the time came for the baby
to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn,
a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him
in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2:5-7

I cannot recall how many sermons and plays I have heard and seen about that horrible old man, the innkeeper of Bethlehem, who turned away Joseph and Mary in the hour of their greatest need.  I have also heard the legend that it is the innkeeper who led the couple to the stable (cave) where they could be protected from the elements and have some measure of privacy. 

I've always felt sort of sorry for the innkeeper of Bethlehem.  The Bible doesn't even talk about an "innkeeper;" it only mentions that the local inn was full.  And he (or she), after all, was simply doing his job, having already booked out all the rooms and probably the common spaces as well. Was he the one who led Joseph and Mary to the stable?  We don't know the human hand that guided them there.  We only know that in that place of protection, no matter how crude, the Savior of the universe was born.

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