Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Shepherds IV


..all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds

said to them.  But Mary treasured up all these things

and pondered them in her heart.  

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God 

for all the thingsthey had heard and seen, 

which were just as they had been told.

Luke 2:18-20

 The shepherds were not just bit players in this heavenly drama in Bethlehem.  They were the first evangelists, sent out to the surrounding hills to tell their friends about what they had seen.  The Bible says that everyone who heard their story were amazed.  I'll bet they were!  You couldn't dream up a scenario with better dramatic potential than this.  The scriptures record that what they found in the manger was exactly as they had been told by the angels.  They returned to their sheep, praising God for blessing them with the honor and privilege of witnessing the angelic announcement of the newborn King. 

Back at the stable, all is quiet except for the snuffling of the animals and perhaps a cry or two from Mary's baby.  The narrative says that after the shepherds left, Mary gathered together in her mind and heart all the unbelievable things that had occurred that night, tucking them away so that she might "ponder" them.  God must have been smiling at her tender innocence.  If she thought the angels and the shepherds were amazing, just wait...


This Baby  Stephen Curtis Chapman

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