Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trusting is Believing

 Trusting is Believing 

Then Jesus told him,

Because you have seen me, you have believed.

Blessed are those who have not seen

and yet have believed.

John 20:29 

I once had a cat named Sapphire who was a connoisseur of fresh water.   After she ate in the morning, she would come into my bathroom, hop up on the toilet, and begin to request water.  I would turn on a small stream from the sink faucet, and she would hop up on the edge of the sink and begin to drink. 

Now, mind you, that cat had a water dish in the kitchen that I rinsed out and filled every time I fed her, but she didn't "know" that the water was fresh, so she wouldn’t drink it.  I always refilled her water bowl, but she was busy chowing down on her morning food, so she did not see me fill it..  One morning when she began to ask for water in the bathroom, I picked her up, took her to the kitchen, and refilled the water bowl right in front of her.  When I sat her and her bowl down together, she drank her fill.  Don't ask me why, but Sapphire needed to see me refill her bowl in order to believe that the water was fresh. 

I remember a little song from my childhood that went something like this: 

 Trusting is believing that God will keep His word,

And trusting is believing your every prayer is heard.

And trusting is letting God know that you're depending on Him;

It's feeling His forgiveness within. 

Trusting is believing that God could care for you,

And trusting is believing just as a child would do.

It's like giving your hand to Jesus and knowing He won't let go.

I'll trust Him because He loves me so.

So much of the time, I make seeing where I am going a prerequisite to taking the first step.  Jesus asks us to trust Him, even when we cannot see the way open before us.  The next time you are tempted to reject what you cannot see - remember Sapphire and her water bowl.  The fresh water was always there; she just had to believe.


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