Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Character Strengths

Character Strengths

because we know that suffering produces perseverance;
perseverance, character; character, hope.
Romans 5:4

Character  (kar’ak tar) n, [ME carecter]
6 essential quality; nature
 7 the pattern of behavioror personality found in a person; moral constitution
8 moral strength, self-discipline, fortitude, etc.
9 reputation

I am taking a free course from Yale University entitled, The Science of Well-Being.  One of my assignments was to take a test called the VIA Character Survey that was scientifically designed to measure 24 different character strengths in people.  The 24 characteristics are:

                        Appreciation of Beauty                  Kindness
                        Bravery                                              Leadership
                        Curiosity                                           Love
                        Fairness                                            Love of Learning
                        Forgiveness                                      Perseverance
                        Gratitude                                          Perspective
                        Honesty                                            Prudence
                        Hope                                                 Self-Regulation
                        Humility                                           Spirituality
                        Humor                                              Teamwork
                        Judgment                                         Zest

Over 7 million people world-wide have taken the survey.  It is free, and very easy to do.  You answer each question as honestly as you can.  The end results may surprise you – it certainly did me!  If you would like to take the survey, go to viacharacter.org and click on the Take the Free Survey link.

PS:  Do not confuse this with the Spiritual Gifts Survey, which is completely different.  Will talk about that tomorrow.


Father, We love You, we worship and adore You.
Glorify Thy name in all the earth.
Glorify Thy name, glorify Thy name,
Glorify Thy name in all the earth.

Jesus, we love you….

Spirit,  we love you…

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