Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Golden (Swindle?) Rule

The Golden (Swindle?) Rule

So in everything,
do to others what you would have them do to you.
Matthew 7:12

I received my AARP Bulletin magazine today in the mail, with the headlines in red –

Fraud International: It’s Vast, Organized and Growing!

The cover story is about people in the world who need money.  Most people in the world could use more money, but these folk don’t want to work a job to earn it.  They’d rather take yours.  India, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Romania, Nigeria, Florida – all hotbeds of scamming operations targeted at you and your money (Or your personal ID  – they aren’t picky).  There are scams for dating, job hunting, Medicare, the elections, even the 2020 Census and Covid19.  They use whatever they can to gain your trust so that you will send them… money.

What would I do to make a buck?  I’ve tried lots of things in my life; some successful, others not so much.  Compromising my integrity to do so, however, has never made it onto my list.  Preying on the lives of innocent people isn’t there either.

Our integrity – our character – makes us who we are.  Our respect for the lives and privacy of those around us enables us to live peaceably on this planet.  Treating others as we would want to be treated gives us hope for a continued future together.  My father always said, “Money isn’t everything.”  It’s certainly not worth selling your soul for.


Brother, sister, let me serve you;
Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I may have the grace
To let you be my servant, too.

We are pilgrims on a journey,
We’re together on this road.
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load.
The Faith We Sing, No. 2222

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