Basic Essentials
Repeat these basic essentials over and over
to God's
Warn them before God against pious nitpicking,
which chips away at the faith. It just wear everyone out.
Concentrate on doing your best for God,
work you won't
be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain
and simple.
Stay clear of pious talk that is only
talk. Words are not
mere words, you know. If they're not backed by a godly
life, they accumulate as poison in the
2 Timothy 2:14-16
My former hubby
loves to have a theological discussion.
He studies his Bible daily, and always finds points of discussion that
he wants to share. I don’t have any
interest in the historical-critical method of biblical interpretation or any
other hot topic in the church world. If
his subject is actually from the scriptures, I’m game to debate with him. We have lots of interesting discussions. But there are times when he is picking apart grains of theological sand, and I have to ask: "OK -
but what does that have to do with my salvation?" He will grin sheepishly, shrug, and return to
his Bible to look for the "essentials."
I have taught many
a Bible class and I can tell you that it is frustrating when a participant tries to hijack the discussion over
a piece of minutia he/she has discovered while reading the week's
scripture. There are also those who
love to yank the rug out from under the discussion over something that has
absolutely nothing to do with the lesson.
Paul said to
Timothy - here are the essentials: Jesus
loves you, Jesus died for your sins, Jesus wants to have a relationship with
you, and Jesus will never leave you. [2 Timothy 2:11-13] Arguments about picky little details do not
enhance this big picture. Make it
simple, make it plain, and back up your mouth with a life lived according to
what you say you believe.
Jesus loves me still today,
Walking with me on my way,
Wanting as a friend to give
Light and life to all who live.
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me – the Bible tells me
The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 191
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