Saturday, September 12, 2020

Thoughts from Country Radio

Thoughts from Country Radio:  Love Like Crazy 

Be completely humble and gentle;
Be patient, bearing with one another in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14

They called them crazy when they started out
Said seventeen's too young to know what loves about
They've been together fifty-eight years now…
That's crazy
He brought home sixty-seven bucks a week
He bought a little two bedroom house on Maple Street
Where she blessed him with six more mouths to feed.
Yea, that's crazy
Just ask him how he did it,
He'll say pull up a seat
It'll only take a minute,
To tell you everything
Be a best friend, tell the truth,
And over-use “I love you”
Go to work, do your best,
Don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like crazy!
-Lee Brice


Love has come and never will leave us!
Love is life everlasting and free.
Love is Jesus within and among us,
Love is the peace our hearts are seeking.
Love!  Love!
Love is the gift of heaven.
Love!  Love!
Praise to you, God on high!
UMC Worship in Song No. 3059
Sing to tune: Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella

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