Saturday, August 14, 2021



Now Abel kept flocks and Cain worked the soil.

Genesis 4:26

We all know the story:  Cain and Abel were Adam’s two sons.  Cain was the oldest – a farmer by trade.  Second-born Abel was a shepherd.  When it came time for the sacrificial service, Abel brought a lamb as God had requested – a picture of the Lamb of God who would be sacrificed for their sin.  Cain brought the very best fruit and vegetables from his garden – a picture of his ability with the soil. 

God accepted Abel’s sacrifice – and did not accept Cain’s.  Anger, hatred, jealousy, murder flowed forth from this first family on earth, and Abel paid the price with his life.

It was because of his faith that Abel made a better sacrifice

to God than Cain, and he had evidence that God looked upon him

as a righteous man, whose gift he could accept.  And though

Cain killed him, yet by his faith he still speaks to us today.

Hebrews 11:4

Today's Summer Reading:  Hebrews 5-7

Sunday's Summer Reading:  Hebrews 8-10


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