And what more shall I say?
I do not have time to tell about… David
and Samuel…
Hebrews 11:32
The writer of Hebrews, running out of time and space in his exposition of the faithful, lists six men of faith by name only. Let’s take a look at the last two:
David: Goliath was a member of the Philistine army, standing about 9 ½ feet tall. David was a boy who listened too the giant spew out his hatred and scorn, then proclaimed, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” Then David took his sling, five smooth stones and his faith in the Almighty, and challenged Goliath: “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel.”
Samuel: The
first of the great prophets after Moses, Samuel was from the tribe of
Levi. His mother gave her very young son to the high
priest Eli to be trained as a man of God.
God visited Samuel when he was 12 years old, giving him a message of
rebuke for Eli. By the time Eli died,
Samuel was recognized as a leader, prophet and judge in Israel who had been in
communion with God since childhood. He
was a man who permitted no compromise when the honor of God was at stake, or
when a direct command from the Lord had not been carried out.
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