And what more shall I say?
I do not have time to tell about… Samson
and Jeptha…
Hebrews 11:32
The writer of Hebrews, running out of time and space in his exposition of the faithful, lists six men of faith by name only. Let’s take a look at the next two:
Samson: I am always surprised to see Samson listed here as a man of great faith. Not exactly the picture I have of headstrong, profligate Samson. But at the end of his life, when everything has been taken from him, and he is nothing but an object of ridicule and scorn for his enemies, Samson pleads with God for one last burst of superhuman strength, and God honored his faith and his request.
Jeptha (or
Jephthah): Jeptha is an even bigger surprise in
this list of people of faith. Yes, he
was a major judge of Israel. But he is
notorious for his actions prior to a military campaign against the Ammonites. Before the battle, Jeptha rashly vowed that
if given the victory, he would offer as a burnt sacrifice to the Lord the first
thing that emerged from his house. Goat, sheep, servant – no, the first thing to
come out to greet the returning hero was his only child - his daughter. The writer of Judges says he “did with her
according to his vow.” Since God is
not into human sacrifice (naming it as an abomination) it is unknown how he
fulfilled his vow. In any situation, we would all do well to rely on prayers rather than rash promises.
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