Monday, August 9, 2021

Spiritually Fit


Take the time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit.

Bodily fitness has a limited value, but

spiritual fitness is of unlimited value, for it holds

promise both for this present life, and for the life to come.

1 Timothy 4:8

Yesterday wrapped up the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.  The first week of competition is always my favorite, because it features the various aquatic races.  I think competitive swimmers are some of the fittest athletes on the planet.  Their physique is shaped by their sport, with the huge arms and shoulders necessary to propel them through the water. It takes a huge amount of time and dedication for swimmers to keep themselves in top shape.

Paul urged young Timothy to take whatever time was necessary to keep himself spiritually fit – through prayer and the reading of the Word.  Physical fitness is essential and benefits all of us as we live out our daily lives on this earth.  Spiritual fitness is equally essential and has consequences for eternity


Summer Reading – New Testament

            Monday, August 9          2 Timothy 1-2

Tuesday, August 10         2 Timothy 3-4

Wednesday, August 11     Titus 1-3

Thursday, August 12        Philemon; Hebrews 1

Friday, August 13             Hebrews 2-4

Saturday, August 14        Hebrews 5-7

Sunday, August 15           Hebrews 8-10

Monday, August 16         Hebrews 11-13

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