Monday, August 23, 2021

FAITH: People of the Exodus


By faith, the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land,

but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they drowned.

Hebrews 11:29

My favorite animated movie is The Prince of Egypt – the retelling of the Exodus story.  It is amazingly accurate biblically, and provides many “Ah-ha” moments of “hmm…could it really have been like that?” 

My favorite scene in the movie is the crossing of the Red Sea.  As the people are walking on dry land with walls of water on either side, sea animals come to the “window” of water, watching the marchers as the people stared in amazement at them.  Does the Bible say that happened?  No.  Could it have?  Oh, yes.  The Bible records, “The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.”  [Ex.14:21b-22] 

It took great faith on Moses’ part to take that first step into the water; it took a tremendous amount of faith for the people to step onto that dry path and trust their lives to the One who was holding back the sea until every man, woman and child had crossed to the land on the other side..   

Summer Reading - New Testament

Monday, August 23         2 John; 3 John; Jude

Tuesday, August 24         Revelation 1-2:17

Wednesday, Aug 25        Revelation 2:18-29; 3

Thursday, August 26        Revelation 4-6

Friday, August 27              Revelation 7-9

Saturday, August 28        Revelation 10-12

Sunday, August 29           Revelation 13-15

Monday, August 30         Revelation 16-18

Tuesday, August 31         Revelation 19-22


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