Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tell the World

Tell the World

I have hidden Your Word in my heart…
Psalm 119:11

When my kids were young, they loved to sing together.  Often when their dad would go out to preach at other churches, we would go along, and the kids would sing for the program.  I was always looking for songs that had three verses so that each child could have a solo verse by themselves.  One day I heard a great song by Michael Card that the kids immediately picked up and began to sing,  but it only had 2 verses.  The girls and I put our heads together and came up with a third verse for the youngest child to sing.  Tell the World that Jesus Loves You quickly became our favorite song.

One Saturday afternoon, we were at the East Mesa church, and the girls went up front to sing their song.  Verse one and two went by without a hitch.  When verse three started, my youngest child began to sing, but the words were not the ones we had written.  Her sisters turned to look at her with incredulous looks on their faces.  I kept playing and listening carefully, and suddenly it hit me.  My child must have forgotten the words to her verse, because she was singing the words of that week’s memory verse, carefully fitted to the notes so that no one was the wiser.

This is a favorite story when we begin a round of “Remember when's” in our family.  How she matched her memory verse with the song was pure genius – especially doing it on the fly.  It was also a powerful lesson for me that when push came to shove, what stood foremost in her memory was the Word that she had hidden in her heart.


Tell the world that Jesus loves you,
Tell them you’ve found a forever friend.
You’ve opened up your heart’s door to Him.
The love of Jesus never ends.

1)      You can choose what not to believe in. 
You can deny there's a heaven above.
But once you take a look at Jesus,
There's no denying that God is love.

2)     If you want to show you really love Him,
If you want to prove that your love is true,
Then you'll obey the word He's spoken
And do all the things He's commanded you to.
3)     You may not think you can preach like Peter,
You may not think you can witness like Paul,
But you can tell the love of Jesus,
Tell them that He died for all.
Vs. 1-2 Michael Card; Vs. 3 Lizarraga

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