Saturday, August 15, 2020

Add to Your Faith: Goodness

Add to Your Faith:  Goodness

Make every effort to add to your faith goodness...
2 Peter 1:5

When I was a kid, goodness was not a particularly sought-after description for your life.  Among other things, it resulted in less-than-flattering nicknames such as "goodie two-shoes"  or "teacher's pet" that no child wanted to be tagged with.  Being a bad boy or a rebel was far preferable to being "good."   Good was for sissies.

A quick glance at the morning headlines of murder. malice and mayhem makes one wonder if there is any goodness left in this world.  When someone does a good or heroic deed, it is often trumpeted as a miraculous event, worthy of our astonishment and praise.

Peter admonishes us to be the everyday people of the world who make goodness an integral part of their lives - always looking for a way to be helpful to someone in need, ready and willing to assist, always choosing the right instead of the easy or convenient.  On this rainy August weekend, keep an eye out for someone who needs a helping hand, and let the goodness in your heart lead the way.


Lord, we come to ask your blessing
On the love that makes us one.
Here, as Christians, to acknowledge
You are Lord, and You alone.
Lord, we come to ask your blessing
In the presence of our friends:
Grant us joy that blesses others,
                                                     Grant us love that never ends.
The Faith We Sing No. 2230

Sing to the tune of:
What a Friend We Have in Jesus

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