Talking or Walking?
God is especially incensed against those
live by lust, addicted to a filthy
existence. They despise
interference from true authority,
preferring to indulge in
Insolent egotists, they don't hesitate to speak evil
against the most splendid of
creatures. Even angels, their
superiors in every way, wouldn't think of
throwing their weight
around like that, trying to slander others
before God.
2 Peter 2:10-11
At first blush,
one wonders who in the world was part of the congregation that Peter
was writing to. True to his nature, he minced
no words in describing those who talk the talk without walking the walk. He nailed those who play a good game as long
as it is their own, who think only of themselves, and are willing to throw
everyone else under the bus. I've worked
for a lot of churches, and there is always someone in every congregation who
believes themselves to be a law unto themselves. The havoc such a person can wreak in a
congregation is enormous.
Thinking about the
polar opposite of the person described in this passage brought to mind a
wonderful woman who was a member of my choir for years. Margie was a tiny
little lady who loved the Lord passionately, and in turn, loved her
family, her friends, and her church.
Kind, quiet, loving - Margie would have given you the shirt off her
back, literally and figuratively. She
absolutely oozed love and caring. I
never heard her say a bad thing about anyone, never heard her complain, never
saw her display either ego or unkindness.
She was the type of friend a friend would want to have. She walked the walk without having to
broadcast the talk - following in the footsteps of her Savior.
Lord of all nations, grant me grace
To love all people, every race.
And in each person may I see
My kindred loved, redeemed by Thee.
Break down the wall that would divide
Thy children, Lord, on every side.
My neighbor’s good let me pursue.
Let Christian love bind warm and true.
Sing to the tune of
O Master Let Me Walk with Thee (UMH430)
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