Thursday, June 17, 2021

Ten Things We Know About John the Baptist


Zechariah, your prayer has been heard.

Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son…

Luke 1:13b

 I absolutely love the beginning of the Gospel of Luke.  Luke is writing a letter to a man named Theophilus, and he starts the narrative by saying, Look.  I know lots of people have written about the events that have happened among us, including eye-witnesses, but I want to write them down for you in proper order...  And then Luke sets about doing exactly that.

Zechariah was a Levite from the line of Aaron, married to Elizabeth who was childless.  They were both advanced in age when an angel appears to Zechariah while he is serving in the Temple.  Through that conversation, we learn Ten Things about John the Baptist. 

1.    The angel specifically named the baby:  John

2.    He will be a joy and delight to his parents.

3.    He will be great in the sight of the Lord.

4.    He will never take wine or other fermented drink

5.    He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth.

6.    He will go before the Messiah in the spirit of Elijah

7.    He will turn the hearts of the people to the Wisdom of the Righteous.

8.    He will make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

9.    He will fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 40:3-5,

10.  He will fulfill the prophecy of Malachi.4:5-6

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