Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Guards at the Tomb


When the women were on their way,

Some of the guards went into the city

And reported to the chief priests everything that had happened.

Matthew 28:11

It is so appropriate that Matthew tells the stories of both Judas and the Roman guards.  Judas sold his soul for 30 Romans silver coins and the comradery of the corrupt religious establishment.  The guards sold their souls for “a large sum of money” and the comradery of the corrupt religious establishment that guaranteed their silence (or a well-placed lie) about what really happened at Jesus’ tomb on Sunday morning.  Both situations featured men who were looking out for #1. 

The Roman soldiers agreed to spread a tale that tarred themselves with the brush of dereliction of duty.  Matthew reports that priest's flagrant lie was spread throughout the land.   The soldiers had to live for the rest of their lives with the video in their heads of God’s mighty angel, the common accepted story that they had failed in their duty to guard the tomb, and the taste of their own lies upon their lips.  

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