You will all fall away,” Jesus told
them, for it is written,
“I will strike the Shepherd, and the
sheep will be scattered.”
Mark 14:27
The cocksure, feisty attitude of James and John permeated the other disciples as well. At this point in Mark’s narrative, Jesus tried to warn his men that the coming events would frighten them so badly, they would turn tail and run. Peter’s heart insisted that even if the rest of them left, he never would. It was unthinkable.
Jesus does not ignore Peter’s brash claim. Instead, He pointedly warns him that he would, before the night was over, disown Jesus three times. The Bible says that Peter’s reply is emphatic: “I will NEVER disown you!” Leap to the evening, after Jesus is arrested, around the fire in the priest’s courtyard:
#1: Servant Girl of the High Priest, speaking to
Peter “You were with that Nazarene.”
“I don’t know or understand what you are talking about!”
#2 Same Servant Girl, speaking to
everyone at the fire: “This fellow is
one of them.”
Again, Peter denied it.
Man standing around the fire: “Surely
you are one of them, for you are a Galilean.”
“I don’t
know this man you are talking about” (accompanied
by cursing for emphasis).
The rooster crows, and Peter dissolves into tears, shame and deep regret.
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