Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Mustard Seed

He told them another parable: 

The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed,

which a man took and planted in his field.

Though it is the smallest of all your seeds,

yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants

and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air

come and perch in its branches.

Matthew 13:31-32

In this parable, Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed.  At the time of Christ, the mustard seed was the smallest of all seeds sown in the ground.  Insignificant.  But with proper cultivation and good growing conditions, the mustard tree can grow up to 10 feet tall and be a very sturdy support for the birds that might find refuge there.

In the same way, the church had very insignificant beginnings – one off-beat teacher destined for the cross and twelve blue collar followers.  Yet from these humble beginnings, the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be taken to the ends of the earth and people of all nations would find rest for their lives and their souls.  It reminds me of the children’s song:

I am the church, you are the church,

We are the church together.

All who follow Jesus – all around the world,

Yes!  We’re the church together. 

Summer Reading Schedule

Sunday, June 6  Matthew 16-18

Monday, June 7  Matthew 19-21

Tuesday, June 8  Matthew 22-24

Wednesday, June 9  Matthew 25-27

Thursday, June 10  Matthew 28

Friday, June 11  Mark 1-3

Saturday, June 12  Mark 4-6

Sunday, June 13  Mark 7-9



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