Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lent - Day 1: Ash Wednesday

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jorden

And was led by the Spirit into the desert,

Where for forty days He was tempted by the devil.

He ate nothing during those days…

Luke 4:1,2

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent - a forty day period leading up to Easter Sunday.  It is a time of commemoration of the forty days Christ spent in the desert, directly after His baptism and prior to His public ministry.  The purpose of Lent is to prepare for Easter through prayer, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial.  “Giving up” something for the forty days of Lent has become an integral part of practicing self-denial.

·        * The early church, particularly Lutheran, Catholic & Anglican, abstained from eating meat; for some, this extended to not eating meat, eggs or dairy.

·        * Giving up chocolate is a popular choice in today’s church.  It should be noted that Thomas Aquinas authorized the continued eating of candy during Lent because sugared spices are digestive aids on a par with medicine, rather than food.

·         *  Abstaining from Television, Movies and/or Gaming systems.  I have read wonderfully hilarious stories regarding families with children who have attempted this.

·       *   Abstaining from all Social Media:  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. 

·       *   The Lent Event:  Donate the value of what ever you give up to a local charity such as the Chesterfield Food Bank.

After reading many different suggestions for self-denial, I invite you to ponder this one:

  If there’s anything we should give up this time of year,

 it’s our sense of superiority: either to those outside the church,

or those inside the church who do things differently than we do.

Author Trevin Wax

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