Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Donkey


The donkey said to Balaam, “

“What have I ever done to you,

that you have beat me these three times?”

Numbers 22

The donkey is a highly intelligent animal that has a reason for everything it does.  According to experts, a donkey has: 

A stoic nature with very subtle body language, especially when experiencing  pain or fear

A natural propensity to freeze when threatened or frightened

A strong sense of self-preservation.

Balaam was obviously not aware of these facts when he struck his donkey three different  times for being “stubborn” enough to refuse to travel further down the path Balaam had chosen.  God finally had to give the donkey human speech and open Balaam’s spiritually blind eyes so that he could see the mighty angel with the shining sword blocking the animal’s way.

I’m not much different than Balaam.  I absolutely hate delays when they crop up while I am totally focused on my all-important mission.  But the story of this smart donkey has helped me to turn to God in such times of stress – not with complaints about being late, but rather with a grateful heart for His care and protection throughout my day.

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