Friday, February 19, 2021

Lent - Day 3: In the Garden

Because Your love is better than life,

My lips will glorify You.

I will praise You as long as I live,

And in Your name I will lift up my hands.

Psalm 63:3-4 

My mother bought a piano at a yard sale, then hired a piano teacher for her three children: my older brothers, age 6 & 8, and me, age 4. (I can’t imagine trying to teach piano to a 4-yr-old!).I don’t remember much about those really early years, but by the age of 8, I knew that the piano would always be a very important part of my life. I enjoyed singing, but I LOVED playing the piano. Long after my brothers moved on to greener pastures, I remained.  I can not imagine a life without music. 

Music has the ability to tell us a story in such a way that it stays with us forever.  I invited you to leave a comment about your favorite hymn, and someone did just that – suggesting two different hymns, both of which are so appropriate for the Lenten season.  Today let’s sing, In the Garden.


In the Garden Lyrics  Praise Adonai

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