Friday, February 12, 2021

The Scorpion

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions

and to overcome all the power of the enemy;

nothing will harm you.

Luke 10:19 

When my girls were very young, our family experienced bouts of homelessness.  All three times, we were taken in by church members who had “spare accommodations.”  Solution #2, a little tiny house in Peoria, was perfect for our needs, but overrun with insects, much to my middle daughter’s delight. 

My two oldest girls slept sideways on a twin mattress, with a blanket roll separating their “space.”  One Friday as I prepared the laundry, I picked up my oldest daughter’s pillow, only to discover a small, very live scorpion (stinger and all), perched underneath. The rule in Arizona is, the smaller the scorpion, the deadlier.  Our thanks and praise to God were immediate and heartfelt.

References in the Bible indicate that the scorpion has always been a bad boy.  In Revelation 9, scorpions are portrayed as deadly enemies of the faithful.  Praise God that Jesus gave us the authority to trample spiritual scorpions and to overcome the power of the enemy.



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