To those who sold the doves He said,
“Get these out of here! How dare you turn
My Father’s house into a market!”
John 2:16
Our first pastorate after my husband finished seminary landed us in the beautiful town of LaPorte, Indiana. The warm and friendly congregation took great pride in their church, and taught their children that it was the house of God, not just another building. Our pastoral team worked hard to make each gathering an inspirational moment.
When Jesus returned from his time in the desert, he joined His mother and family in Capernaum and attended a wedding at Cana, where He turned water into wine. After leaving that celebration, Jesus and the disciples went to Jerusalem and stopped by the Temple. Expecting to hear the sounds of music, prayers and praise, their eyes, ears and noses were assaulted by the sounds and smells of an animal market, and the shrewd trading of the money changers.
Jesus made a whip of cords to drive out the animals, then overturned the tables of the money mongers, proclaiming to all: “It is written: My house will be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers!” [Luke 19:45-46]
often breeds carelessness. Whether it’s a Tuesday, a Friday or a Sunday, it
matters a great deal to God how we treat His house.
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