Saturday, July 18, 2020

Content with Who You Are

Content with Who You Are

Be content with who you are,
and don't put on airs.
God's strong hand is on you;
He'll promote you at the right time.
1 Peter 5:5b-6

I went to elementary school with a young girl named Judy.  We were both singers and had fairly well-matched voices.  We used to sing duets at recitals, took endless dance lessons, did quite a bit of acting, and performed before the listening public often--I on television and Judy on the radio.  In the confidence department, however, we were as different as night and day.  Judy was naturally outgoing, friendly, self-confident, gregarious, and unafraid to "sell" her talents and abilities, even in 5th grade.  I, on the other hand, was timid, uncertain and quiet.  She became a famous Broadway actress; I became a high school/college music teacher and church musician.  Her temperament was perfect for the stage; mine excelled in the choir room.

Looking back, there are times when I nostalgically wish I had put myself out there more, catered to a wider audience, pushed for the brass ring.  When I am helping others make beautiful music, however, I realize that quiet, less confident me is right where I belong.  I'm needed, and I'm happy.


More like You, Jesus, more like You.
Fill my heart with Your desire to make me more like You.
More like You, Jesus, more like You.
Touch my lips with holy fire and make me more like You.

Lord, You are my mercy.
Lord, You are my grace.
All my deepest sins have forever been erased.
Draw me in Your presence.
Lead me in Your ways.
I long to bring You glory in righteousness and praise.
More like You, Jesus, more like You.
Fill my heart with Your desire to make me more like You.
More like You, Jesus, more like You.
Touch my lips with holy fire and make me more like You.
The Faith We Sing, no. 2167

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