I AM the Truth
I AM the Way, the Truth and the
No man comes to the Father except through
John 14:6
Have you ever been
lied to? Most likely the entire world
could answer that question in the affirmative.
Have you ever been cheated, mislead, or deceived? Again, the answer is “yes” for most of
us. It is, unfortunately, a common part
of everyday life that goes to the very core of human relationships. In answer
to Thomas' inquiry, Christ made the startling statement that He was TRUTH [no
falsehood, not deceit, no dishonesty: a pure, transparent life].
When Jesus was
being interrogated by Pilate, the discussion turned to His kingship or
kingdom. Pilate asked: “So – you are a
King?” Jesus answered, “You say
correctly that I am a king. For this I
have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the
truth. Everyone who is of the truth
hears My voice” [John 18:37 NAS]. Jesus
came to earth as The Truth – living a life of total purity and honesty,
revealing the true nature of God, and the truth of God’s unconditional love for
Pilate’s immediate
reaction was brief and cynical. One can
almost hear his snort of derision as he asked, “What is truth?” Truth according to whom? The ruling political party? The minority leadership? The media?
The baldly deceitful religious leadership? Pilate’s contemptuous view of “the truth”
was so intense, he didn’t even wait for an answer, but abruptly ended the conversation. There was very little “truth” to
be found in the world according to Rome.
I’ve always wondered what Jesus would have said if Pilate had remained
in the room to hear Christ’s answer. It
would not have changed the course of the Savior’s destiny, but it might well
have saved Pilate’s soul.
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
they are weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me - the Bible tells me so.
The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 191
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