Thursday, July 9, 2020



Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom.
Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
Proverbs 4:7

Several years ago, I attended a Master Class at Carnegie Hall, given by one of the leading sopranos of our time, Renee Fleming.  Starting with the bare basics, Fleming shared her wisdom about singing “from the ground up.”  Every human being on earth knows how to breathe, but few know how to do so as a singer, and how to make that breath do what is necessary to support the voice.

Through the illustration of her own body, Fleming shared her hard-earned wisdom regarding the workings of breathing and support in the art of singing.  She shared that she herself is still a student of the art.  As a singer, Fleming always warms up in front of a mirror so that she can ascertain whether she is still practicing what she preaches.  The first student performer that evening, a young woman from Serbia, sang her piece beautifully.  Twenty minutes later, after soaking in the wisdom of Fleming’s hands-on coaching, her singing transformed into a stunning presentation.

We are all mentors, whether we realize it or not.  We all have a sphere of influence where we are being observed by others with less knowledge and experience.  It is our privilege to open our hearts to those who are seeking the wisdom of years and the knowledge of experience.  Give what you can today, especially to the young people open to your inspiration.  They will receive a precious gift – wisdom from someone who has been there, and who cares.


Christ for the world we sing,
The world to Christ we bring
With loving zeal.
The poor and them that mourn,
The faint and overborne,
Sin sick and sorrow worn,
Whom Christ doth heal.
The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 568

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