Weary and Burdened
Come to me, all who labor
and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and
learn of Me,
And ye shall find rest
unto your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29
night my stomach decided to have one of its meldowns that kept me up all night
with no relief until Sunday morning. I
ended up missing work and sleeping most of the day. Yesterday I had two recording sessions for
the upcoming A Time to Sing program, then emails to send and an
orientation for the virtual Handbell Seminar this weekend.
Today? I can barely put one foot in front of the
other. I don’t “feel bad” exactly, but I
have the energy and motivation of a slug.
My whirling brain keeps saying, “Get up!
Get going! Get moving! Get with the program!” My body says, “Sorry. Not today.”
stress threatens to overwhelm me, I remember this invitation that Jesus
extended to the disciples, His followers, and the world. “Come to Me, ALL who labor and are heavy
laden.” Within His arms of love, we
will find peace, relaxation and rest.
All we have to do is turn to Him.
Seek ye first the kingdom
of God and His righteousness,
And all these things shall
be added unto you. Allelu, Allelujah.
Ask and it shall be given
unto you; seek and ye shall find;
Knock and the door shall
be opened unto you. Allelu, Allelujah.
Man does not live by bread
alone, but by every word
That proceeds from the
mouth of the Lord. Allelu, Alleluia.
The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 405
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