Tuesday, January 12, 2021

All Creatures of Our God and King

Praise the Lord from the heavens;

    praise Him in the heights above.

Praise Him, all His angels;

    praise Him, all His heavenly hosts.

Praise Him, sun and moon;

    praise Him, all you shining stars.

Praise Him, you highest heavens

    Psalm 148:1-4

St. Francis of Assisi was born in Italy in 1182 to a very wealthy family.  After a sparse education and a stint in the army, Francis turned his back on his wealthy life and began traveling throughout the countryside as an itinerant preacher of the Gospel, interacting with both humans and animals. 

There are many tales, of Francis’ affinity with nature.  One is of him preaching to a flock of birds, who sat enthralled throughout his little sermon, and then began to sing loudly as they flew away.

Francis loved music, and encouraged singing at all worship services, writing over 60 hymns for that purpose.  In 1225, he wrote a hymn he titled Song of Brother Sun.  In 1919, Rev. William Draper translated it into English as All Creatures of Our God and King. 


Grace Community Church

Sun Valley, California

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