Tuesday, January 19, 2021


We did not follow cleverly invented stories

when we told you about the power and coming

of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we were

eyewitnesses of His majesty.

2 Peter 1:16

When it comes to choruses (one stanza only), as opposed to hymns (2 or more verses), high up on my favorites list is Majesty.  This song is so triumphant, so full of joy, so… MAJESTIC, it lifts your heart from start to finish.  It is also a lot of fun to play on the piano!

Jack Hayward (1934 -   ) and his wife were traveling in Great Britain during the 25th Anniversary celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation.  It came to his mind that all the pomp and splendor of this earthly ruler could never compare with the majesty and greatness of God.  When he returned to his hotel room, he sat down and wrote this beautiful chorus, Majesty.


 Bill & Gloria Gaither

Gaither Music TV

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