But my eyes are fixed
on You, O Sovereign Lord;
In You I take refuge.
Psalm 141:8
St. Patrick was born in 373 in an area now called Scotland. When he was 16, he was abducted by raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland. He escaped and returned home, much to the joy of his family. When he was about 30, he felt the call of the Lord to go as a missionary – back to his captors - to Ireland. He traveled the Irish countryside, and throngs came to listen. He planted 200+ churches and baptized 100,000 converts. St. Patrick left behind a rich culture of worship and music.
I have sung the hymn Be Thou My Vision for as long as I can remember, and never realized that it was an ancient Irish poem by an eighth century unknown poet. In 1905, a scholar in Dublin translated it into English. A British scholar then crafted the English words into verses with rhyme and meter, and combined it with a traditional Irish folk song.
Be Thou my vision, O Lord
of my heart.
Not be all else to me,
save that Thou art.
Thou my best thought,
by day or by night.
Waking or sleeping, Thy
presence my light.
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