Wednesday, January 6, 2021

His Light in Your Eyes


Soon the ornaments will go back in the box.

Angels will put away their instruments

and return to their tissue paper heaven,

and shepherds will return to their fields

in plastic tubs in the attic.

So if there is to be light in the darkness -

the small twinkling light of a star

that leads someone to love,

or the quiet steady glow of presence,

it will have to be in your eyes and mine.

Rejoice and return to your fields.

You are not alone.

The Lord is your everlasting light.

-Steve Garnaas-Holmes


Look up!  This is your year to shine!

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank You for making all things new!  As another New Year begins, help me live each day for You.  May I continually have a song in my heart to sing to You, no matter what comes my way.  I trust in You because nothing ahead of me will take You by surprise.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen. - Joan Walker Hahn

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