Monday, May 3, 2021

My Resident Mouse


Therefore take no thought, saying,

“What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or

“How shall we be clothed?”…

for your heavenly Father knows that you have 

need of all these things.

Matthew 6:31-32 

When I was eight months pregnant with my 3rd child in 1986, our family became homeless when my husband’s construction job closed down.  Our local church heard the news and offered for us to stay in the fellowship hall they were building which included a shower and a kitchen.  This was a wonderfully kind solution, and we accepted with gratitude.  Someone provided a twin mattress for the girls and a full mattress for us, and we were all set!

The second night of our stay there, everyone was asleep except me.  I was struggling to find a position that was comfortable and finally gave up and settled on my back.  Suddenly I felt tiny feet running over my shoulder, across my chest, and up the mountain of my pregnancy.  What was clearly a mouse paused at the top of the hill, surveying the landscape, then scampered down my thigh.  When it cleared my knee onto my shin, I kicked my leg up as hard as I could, and the mouse sailed across the room to areas far away from me.

The next morning, my family was in stiches as I told them the story.  I know God was smiling as well.  He had provided a wonderful place to shelter us in our time of need, a little entertainment for the resident mouse, and a great family story for the ages.    


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