Saturday, May 1, 2021

The People in Your Life


A friend loves at all times,

and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

Proverbs 17:17

Our family was blessed with the birth of three daughters, each about two years apart.  When they were young children, the middle child and the youngest would fight like cats and dogs; you could cut the animosity with a knife. 

But the strangest thing happened as they grew.  Those two still had difficulty with each other within the confines of the family, but let someone else say/do something to one of them, and the other would fly to their defense, claws outstretched.  The attitude was, “I can trash-talk my sister all I want, but you’d better not say a thing!”

Friends are wonderful additions to our lives, bringing joy, diversity, and pleasure.  We are usually very protective of our friends.  But it is amazing how often we allow our family relationships to deteriorate into petty squabbles, major disagreements and/or silence.  It is never too late to mend fences, however.  It might be a difficult task, but the healing of the relationship will be well worth it.

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