Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one
comes to the father except through Me.
John 14:6
I learned quickly as a child that when I followed the rules, I could expect a reward: A gold star on my spelling test; a little statue of Bach for a perfectly memorized recital piece; an “A” on my report card; a scholarship for college.
As an adult, the rules were more difficult, but the rewards were greater: A much needed raise; a coveted promotion; a corner office; breaking the glass ceiling. I was taught that logical thinking, obeying the rules, and approaching life with gusto and integrity would guarantee my success.
Many people approach God with the same work ethic: Obey the
rules (10 commandments), reap the reward (heaven). In this one area of life, however, it simply doesn’t
work like that. The only way to heaven is through Jesus
Christ – knowing Him, loving Him, following Him, and trusting Him to lead us
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