Monday, July 26, 2021

Encouraging Others

For He gives us comfort in all our trials so that

we in turn may be able to give the same sort of strong sympathy

to others in their troubles…

2nd Corinthians 1:4 

I have spent most of yesterday watching the Olympic games on television.  The athletic competition has been amazing, but what impressed me the most was the kindness and compassion that was exhibited from one competitor to another.  This even carried over into the commercials, many of which emphasized the care and compassion between athletes.

One commercial in particular caught my eye.  It did not say, as one might have expected: 

Your skill, talent and hard work = your greatness. 

No, it showed two Olympic hopefuls taking the time to help each other even though they were from different teams representing different countries. The slogan of the ad was something that I would be honored having applied to me:

Your Goodness is Your Greatness

Summer Reading - New Testament

Monday, July 26                2 Corinthians 7-9

Tuesday, July 27                2 Corinthians 10-12

Wednesday, July 28           2 Corinthians 13

Thursday, July 29              Galatians 1-3

Friday, July 30                   Galatians 4-6

Saturday, July 31               Ephesians 1-3

Sunday, August 1               Ephesians 4-6

Monday, August 2             Philippians 1-3

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