A furious squall came up, and the waves
broke over the boat
So that it was nearly swamped.
John 4:37
When I tuned in to the 5:00pm news today, the broadcast was all about the weather. Virginia in general and Richmond in particular has their fair share of thunderstorms during the summer months. A big storm was brewing, traveling southeast straight for us. Fortunately, it never made it past Fredricksburg.
My daughter in Maryland was not so fortunate. This was a nasty storm with high, damaging winds and hail. My granddogs – particularly Santana, - do not appreciate lightning and the accompanying thunder. Niki usually builds Tana a pillow fort to hide in. That and some serious nose rubbing usually calms them down. Both dogs huddle close to Niki, instinctively knowing that she will protect them.
The only place to hide on the boat facing the raging Sea of Galilee was the place where Jesus was fast asleep. The disciples may not have had great faith, but they knew enough to turn to the One who could and would protect them. He is the One who will stand by us through every storm – physical, emotional, and spiritual.
When the storms of life are raging,
stand by me.
When the storms of life are raging,
stand by me.
When the world is tossing me like a ship
upon the sea,
Thou who rules wind and water, stand by
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