Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Running the Race

Do you remember how, on a racing track, every competitor runs,

but only one wins the prize?  Well, you ought to run with your

minds fixed on winning the prize.  Every competitor in

athletic events goes into serious training.  Athletes will take

tremendous pains for a fading crown of leaves.  But

our contest is for a crown that will never fade.

1st Corinthians 9:24-25 

Two days from now the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo will officially begin with the opening ceremonies.  This year’s games, however, have been overshadowed, indeed overrun, by the Covid 19 pandemic.  Team members and individual athletes have tested positive and been sent home.  There are no fans in the seats, no free-wheeling camaraderie among the contestants. It is, without question, a very different Olympic Games.

The Apostle Paul was acquainted with athletic competition, and likened the struggles and triumphs to the life of the follower of Christ. The difference?  In the Olympics, there is only one winner for each competition.  For us?  We are all winners.  Christ has claimed the crown of victory for His entire team. 


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