Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34
Bedtime for me is worrywart time. After crawling under the covers, my mSind starts a seemingly endless circle of “What if’s.” What if I forgot to turn everything off on the stove? (Get back up!) What if I forgot to lock all the doors? (Get back up!) Turning on the outside lights, turning off the printer, putting the computer to sleep – I could go on and on. Sometimes those “what if’s” turn more sinister: What if someone breaks into my house? (Really, Sherrie?)
I have always loved this verse, because it comes from the lips of Jesus Himself. It’s not my mom, or my kids or even my friends who are saying, “You are such a worrywart!” This is God, the Creator of the Universe, the Great Shepherd who assures us: Don’t worry! I hold you in the palm of My hand. Leave your worries with Me.
Be not dismayed, what-e’re betide: God
will take care of you.
Beneath His wings of love abide: God will take care of you.
God will take care of you, through every
day, o’er all the way.
He will take care of you - God will take
care of you.
Today's Summer Reading: 2 Corinthians 10-12 - Sorry for the error.
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