Monday, July 12, 2021

My Scars

If I rise with the wings of the dawn

If I settle on the far side of the sea

Even there, Your hand will guide me,

Your right hand will hold me fast.

-Psalm 139

Every scar has a story.
What will mine tell?
What will come of this
When I’m better, when I’m well?

I want my scar to tell
Of how I’ve overcome,
Of how I made it through,
Of where I have come from.

I want my scar to whisper
About the pain I faced,
About the very hard times,
The marathon I raced.

But mostly I want my scar
To speak of something greater
I want it to shout
The name of my Creator.

Let my scar be evidence
That there’s a loving Lord
Who fought my scary battles
And on whose wings I soared.

Let my scar proclaim
That all things work for good,
That by myself I could not
but with my God, I could.

Let others take a look.
Let others peek and see
My scar shows God is great
It points to Him, not me.

-Christina DeCarlo

Wings of the Dawn – MS Baptist All State Choir

Summer Reading - New Testament

Monday, July 12                Romans 1-3

Tuesday, July 13               Romans 4-6

Wednesday, July 14         Romans 7-9

Thursday, July 15             Romans 10-12

Friday, July 16                   Romans 13-15

Saturday, July 17              Romans 16

Sunday, July 18                1 Corinthians 1-3

Monday, July 19                1 Corinthians 4-6

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