Friday, July 2, 2021

Get Up and Walk!

Silver and gold I do not have,

but what I have I give you.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth – Walk!

Acts 3:6

What a way to start a fledgling church!  Peter and John arrived at the Temple at the same time as a crippled man was being brought to the Beautiful Gate where he would be placed to spend his day begging.  Seeing Peter and John, he asked for a donation.

Peter said, “Look at us!”  The man turned to look directly at him, expecting a few coins at most.  Instead, Peter said these wonderful words:  I don’t have any money, but I will give you what I do have, which is worth more than any coin.  In the name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, I give you healing.  Get up and walk.

Peter reached down a hand.  The man grabbed hold and rose to his feet.  Immediately he had a new body, and entered the temple walking, jumping, and praising God.  That gave Peter a dramatic opening to preach the Gospel of a risen Savior to all those within the sound of his voice.

Today’s Summer Reading:  Acts 1-3



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