Monday, June 8, 2020

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden,
 to cultivate it and keep it.
Genesis 2:15 [NASB]

I have always loved the fact that God gave Adam and Eve a glorious garden as their first home.  After all, he could have situated them in the mountains, the desert, or a huge spread on the back forty.  Instead, He created for them a garden – the Garden of Eden [meaning delicate, delight, pleasure].

Adam and Eve’s habitat was the ultimate dreamscape for any gardener.  There were no destructive bugs, no need for noxious sprays, only the endless beauty of thriving trees and plants.  I have seen some beautiful flowers on this earth, but I am quite sure nothing we have here could match the exquisite blooms that were created by God’s own hand.  It is wonderful to know that when He creates a new heaven and a new earth, we will live in the beauty that comes directly from His mind and His heart.

But in keeping with His promise,
we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth,
the home of righteousness.
2nd Peter 3:13


The hills of Zion yields a thousand sacred sweets,
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Or walk the golden streets, or walk the golden streets.
We’re marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion,
We’re marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God.
The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 733, vs. 3

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