Wednesday, June 24, 2020

We Are the Church Together

We Are the Church Together

The Lord added to the church daily
 those who were being saved.
Acts 2:47 

We are freed to free others
We are affirmed to affirm others.
We are loved to love others.
We are family – we are community
We are the church triumphant!
You, me, anyone who would come to the Lord
            Renewed, redirected, empowered,
            To change things and lives
            Together in love and wholeness.
We are the Lord’s church.
          The church of justice and mercy.         
The people sent to open prisons,
            To heal the sick
            To clothe the naked
            To feed the hungry
            To reconcile,
To be alleluias when there is no music.

The mantle is upon our shoulders.
Joy is apparent in our living.
We have been commissioned to be
The Church of Jesus Christ.

            -Ann Weems
            Kneeling in Bethlehem


I am the church, you are the church,
We are the church together.
All who follow Jesus all around the world
Yes, we’re the church together.

The church is not a building, 
The church is not a steeple,
The church is not a resting place,
The church is the people.
The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 558

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