Toast and Quiet
Better a dry crust
with peace and quiet
than a house full of
feasting with strife.
Proverbs 17:1
Even back in ancient times, Solomon recognized the
indisputable fact that the human body does not deal well with pressure. I doubt if he was familiar with the word,
“stress,”, but the core of truth was still there: peace and quiet beats tension and strife
hands down!
Too many of us get caught up in the rat race of daily
Gotta work so I can have the cash
to pay the bills.
Gotta hurry because going slow will
never get you anywhere.
Gotta climb, climb, climb as
quickly as I can.
Gotta make sure I have the best
life has to offer.
Then we go into retirement and we are still running around
like the proverbial chickens without a head!
So much to do, so little time. Solomon
is calling for us to stop, look and listen.
What is important in life? What is more important than our sanity and
our health? If we drive ourselves into
the grave, who will have all our things then?
Is the strain of our high-octane society really worth it? Or, like Solomon, is the better choice peace and tranquility.
I cast all my
cares upon You.
I lay all of my
burdens down at Your feet.
And anytime that I
don’t know what to do,
I will cast all my
cares upon You.
The Faith We Sing,
No. 2215
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