Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Wedding Part II

The Wedding  Part II

 [We join the story as the foolish girls ask for oil from the wise girls]

“Not on your life!” replied the other five maids.  “This joker obviously has no regard for time.  He has delayed the start of the wedding till past midnight!  The guests must be furious, not to mention the bride!  Who knows what he will do on the way over there?  He might stop off at that 7-11 on the way to get a snack or a Coke.  If he doesn’t go straight to the church at a good clip, all of our lamps will go out!  Nope, it’s not our problem that you didn’t bring any extra oil.  Why don’t you run to Walmart and get a big bottle to fill all your lamps?”

Furious at their friends, the five girls rushed off in search of more oil. A few moments later, the groom sauntered up, the wedding party assembled, and they all left for the church.  When they arrived, the aggrieved bride--and her mother--had their say on the matter, the church doors were shut, the music poured forth, and the five bridesmaids began their slow walk up the aisle.

The other young ladies, after purchasing their oil, filling their lamps, fixing their hair and adjusting their makeup, frantically tried to hail a taxi camel to take them to the festivities.  Unfortunately, there were none available at that time of the night.  They were forced to walk the entire way, arriving at the church only to find that the wedding was over, and everyone had left for the reception.

By the time they finally arrived, their dresses were stained and wrinkled, their hair was a mess, and their lamps were barely flickering.  The groom himself came to the door, took one look at them and said, “Who are you?”   All five began to speak at once, but the groom had little time for long, convoluted excuses – he needed to get back to his bride.  Holding up a hand to cut short the clatter, he said, “Look.  I don’t know you, you all look a mess, and I haven’t got time for this. You are not welcome here.”   Shutting the door in their faces, the bridegroom returned to the party.  The five bedraggled bridesmaids were left outside in the darkness.


Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning.
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray.
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning,
Keep me burning ‘til the break of day.
Sing Hosanna!  Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna to the King of kings.
Sing Hosanna!  Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna to the King.

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